This document describes how linkage disequilibrium (LD) was computed from SNPs of 135 landraces of the Spanish Barley Core Collection (SBCC) by E Igartua and B Contreras.
r2 is calculated in four ways: the standard and three new measures of r2, correcting for population structure, with strategies similar to the Q, K and Q+K models in GWAS, r2s, r2v, and r2vs, respectively. These measures were first described by Mangin et al in and are implemented in R package LDcorSV.
The initial set of 9,920 Infinium and GBS markers in file 9920_SNPs_SBCC_50K.tsv was converted as follows, allowing up to 10% missing data per position and accepting only biallelic loci (n=8455, after removing two htzg markers), just as done for the STRUCTURE analysis (file SBCC_9K_SNPs.structure.tsv was produced). The final list of SNPs is in file SBCC_LD_order.tsv.
Genotype files were prepared for each chromosome, including an artificial chromosome for markers of uncertain location, with genotypes coded as 0, 2 & NA. These CSV files are called Geno1H, Geno2H, Geno3H, Geno4H, Geno5H, Geno6H, Geno7H and Genounk.
Before moving on we can take these files, one per chromosome, and impute missing genotype calls with R package linkim, a linkage-based method for imputing missing diploid genotypes published with doi:10.4172/2329-9533.1000115. This method has some stochastic component as independent runs provide different results. For this reason the block code below has eval=FALSE so that it is compatible with LFMM results in protocol HOWTOLFMM.
# set barley chr names
chrnames = c("1H","2H","3H","4H","5H","6H","7H")
# import data for all chromosomes (1H to 7H)
Geno = c()
Geno[[1]] = read.csv('LD/Geno1H.csv', header=TRUE, check.names = F, sep=";", row.names = 1)
Geno[[2]] = read.csv('LD/Geno2H.csv', header=TRUE, check.names = F, sep=";", row.names = 1)
Geno[[3]] = read.csv('LD/Geno3H.csv', header=TRUE, check.names = F, sep=";", row.names = 1)
Geno[[4]] = read.csv('LD/Geno4H.csv', header=TRUE, check.names = F, sep=";", row.names = 1)
Geno[[5]] = read.csv('LD/Geno5H.csv', header=TRUE, check.names = F, sep=";", row.names = 1)
Geno[[6]] = read.csv('LD/Geno6H.csv', header=TRUE, check.names = F, sep=";", row.names = 1)
Geno[[7]] = read.csv('LD/Geno7H.csv', header=TRUE, check.names = F, sep=";", row.names = 1)
# read corresponding map info, with markers in the same order as in CSV files
mapmarkers = read.table(file="LD/SBCC_LD_order.tsv",header=T,sep="\t",check.names = F)
# filename for imputed outfile
out_imp_TSV = "LD/SBCC_9K_SNPs.imputed.tsv"
for (c in 1:7){
Genotypes = Geno[[c]]
# convert allele calls 2 to 1
Genotypes[Genotypes==2] <- 1
# get markers from column names and sort them
chrmarkers = mapmarkers[ mapmarkers$chr==c, ]
chrmarkers = chrmarkers[ complete.cases(chrmarkers), ]
#chrmarkers = as.numeric(chrmarkers[ , c("cM") ]) # does not work with repeated cM positions
chrmarkers = as.numeric(chrmarkers[ , c("bp") ])
chrmarkers = chrmarkers / 1000000
# impute
full.Genotypes =,r=chrmarkers) #,trace = T)
# transpose and print data
full.Genotypes = t(full.Genotypes)
A header is then added to this file:
perl -F";" -lane 'next if(/^;/); $h.="\t$F[0]"; END{print "marker$h"}' LD/Geno1H.csv > LD/header.tsv
cat LD/header.tsv LD/SBCC_9K_SNPs.imputed.tsv > SBCC_9K_SNPs.imputed.tsv
These operations produce file SBCC_9K_SNPs.imputed.tsv (n=7477).
A kinship matrix was modified from a square matrix of distances produced by TASSEL and saved as WAIS. In addition, a file with probabilities of membership to K=4 subpopulations was prepared from STRUCTURE output and saved as POP. This is the Q file with 3 columns.
# set window length
Wl = 9
# import data for unmapped markers (chr8) as a control, chromosomes 1H to 7H were already loaded
Geno[[8]] = read.csv('LD/Genounk_random.csv', header=TRUE, row.names=1, sep=";", dec=".", na.strings="NA")
# read kinship/covariance matrix and population memberships
KIN<-read.csv('LD/WAIS.csv', header=TRUE, row.names=1, sep=";", dec=".", na.strings="NA")
POP<-read.csv('LD/POP.csv', header=TRUE, row.names=1, sep=";", dec=".", na.strings="NA")
for (c in 1:8){ # 7 real + 1 fake chr for unmapped markers
# set names of output files
outTSVr2s = paste("LD/r2s_",c,"H.tsv", sep="")
outTSVr2 = paste("LD/r2_",c,"H.tsv", sep="")
# set appropriate chr and last element considering window length
Genotypes = Geno[[c]]
lasti = ncol(Genotypes)-(Wl-1)
lastv = (Wl * (Wl-1))/2 # see
for (i in 1:lasti){
Geno.Wl = Genotypes[,i:(i+Wl-1)]
LD = LD.Measures(Geno.Wl,V=KIN,S=POP,data ="G",supinfo=TRUE,na.presence=TRUE)
outLD = LD[,3:6]
mean_values = apply(outLD[1:lastv,],2,mean)
# kinship-corrected LD
r2s = mean_values[3]
write(r2s, file=outTSVr2s, append=T)
# raw LD
r2 = mean_values[1]
write(r2, file=outTSVr2, append=T)
# output file names
outTSVr2 = "LD/SBCC_r2.tsv"
outTSVr2s = "LD/SBCC_r2s.tsv"
## r2
# prepare vars required to export LD values to a single file
r2 = c()
idx = 0
lasti = (Wl-1)/2
# prepare plots
for (c in 1:8){
# markers anchored to chromosomes vs unsorted markers (chr=8)
LDdata = read.table(file=paste("LD/r2_",c,"H.tsv", sep=""))
boxplot(LDdata,ylim=c(0,1),ylab="r2",main=paste(c,"H (n=",nrow(LDdata),")",sep=""))
# add head void values where LD window was not computed
for (i in 1:lasti){
idx = idx+1
r2[idx] = NA
# add bulk LD markers
for (i in 1:nrow(LDdata)){
idx = idx+1
r2[idx] = LDdata[i,]
# add tail void values where LD window was not computed
for (i in 1:lasti){
idx = idx+1
r2[idx] = NA
# actually save to file, leaving out unmapped markers
allLDtable = cbind(r2,mapmarkers)
allLDtable_map = subset(allLDtable, (![,3])))
# make manhattan plot = allLDtable_map[ , c("chr","cM","r2","SNPidentifier")] = subset(, (![,3])))
col = c("gray10", "gray60"), chrlabs=chrnames,
## r2s (structure-corrected)
# prepare vars required to export LD values to a single file
r2s = c()
idx = 0
# prepare plots
for (c in 1:8){
# markers anchored to chromosomes vs unsorted markers (chr=8)
LDdata = read.table(file=paste("LD/r2s_",c,"H.tsv", sep=""))
boxplot(LDdata,ylim=c(0,1),ylab="r2s",main=paste(c,"H (n=",nrow(LDdata),")",sep=""))
# add head void values where LD window was not computed
for (i in 1:lasti){
idx = idx+1
r2s[idx] = NA
# add bulk LD markers
for (i in 1:nrow(LDdata)){
idx = idx+1
r2s[idx] = LDdata[i,]
# add tail void values where LD window was not computed
for (i in 1:lasti){
idx = idx+1
r2s[idx] = NA
# actually save to file, leaving out unmapped markers
allLDstable = cbind(r2s,mapmarkers)
allLDstable_map = subset(allLDstable, (![,3])))
# make manhattan plot = allLDstable_map[ , c("chr","cM","r2s","SNPidentifier")] = subset(, (![,3])))
col = c("gray10", "gray60"), chrlabs=chrnames,
Manhattan plots of SBCC linkage disequilibrium (windows of 9 markers)
Manhattan plots of SBCC linkage disequilibrium (windows of 9 markers, structure-corrected)