This document describes how SNP genotypes from 135 landraces of the Spanish Barley Core Collection (SBCC) were checked and processed for further use with STRUCTURE by AM Casas.
We wrote a Perl script,, to carry out this task. The initial set of 9,920 Infinium and GBS markers in file 9920_SNPs_SBCC_50K.tsv, was converted as follows, accepting up to 10% missing data per position and accepting only biallelic loci (n=8455, after removing two htzg markers):
./ raw/9920_SNPs_SBCC_50K.tsv SBCC_order.txt \
SBCC_9K_SNPs.structure.tsv 2> SBCC_9K_SNPs.structure.tsv.log
tail SBCC_9K_SNPs.structure.tsv.log
8447 SCRI_RS_81903 A G 0 0.119
8448 SCRI_RS_8250 A C 0 0.052
8449 SCRI_RS_8401 C T 0 0.415
8450 SCRI_RS_88466 G T 1 0.157
8451 SCRI_RS_88710 A G 0 0.096
8452 SCRI_RS_9327 C T 0 0.281
8453 SCRI_RS_9584 G T 0 0.385
8454 SCRI_RS_9618 C T 3 0.091
8455 SCRI_RS_994 C T 0 0.007
# total valid markers=8455
After transposing SBCC_9K_SNPs.structure.tsv, Structure v2.3.4 was run under an admixture model, from K=1 to K=6. This was replicated 6x with a burn-in period of 10,000 and 20,000 Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) iterations, respectively. Structure Harvester Evanno’s \(\Delta K\) was used to estimate the optimal number of subpopulations, which was found to be K=4. The program was run one more time with a 100K burn-in and 100K MCMC iterations to assign SBCC accessions to K=4 subpopulations, as described in doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0094688.
The following diagram represents these populations in four colors:
The assignment of barley accessions to these populations can be found in file SBCC_Kinship.full.tsv. Landraces were allocated to 4 clusters comprising 15, 10, 49 and 61 accessions.
As detailed in SBCC_Kinship_clusters_K4.tsv, these assignments are almost identical to others obtained from a previous STRUCTURE analysis performed by EEM Naheif with 6,223 Infinium SNPs (runs=10, K=1 to 6, burn-in and MCMC=10K iterations). A 0.996 Pearson correlation is observed, with all landraces assigned to the same subpopulation except SBCC054, which was assigned alternatively to subpopulations 3 and 4.